Call For Art
East Bay Art Book 2021 Fundraiser
THE CALL FOR ART IS OFFICIALLY OPENS 12:01AM May 1st, 2021. Please do not submit before this date as we are still updating files.

ArtPush is publishing a full color art book showcasing the work of East Bay artists!
Project Overview: ArtPush is seeking East Bay artists to submit work for 2nd Annual Juried East Bay Art book. All themes and subjects are welcome. The goal of this book is to showcase some of the East Bay’s most talented artists.
* All proceeds from sales will benefit the non-profit organization ArtPush funding future art events, projects & sponsorships.
Eligibility: All practicing visual East Bay artists.
Medium: Visual Art created within the last 10 years. You do not need to create new work for this book! Includes but is not limited to: Printmaking, Mixed Media, Paintings, Sculptures, Photography & Illustrations.
Location: California, East Bay
Entry Deadline: 7/30/21
Entry Fee: $20.
Accepted artists will receive a free copy of the East Bay Artists 2021 art book!
Benefits: Learn more about the benefits. Why participate?
Art Book Financial Aid: /Deadline: June 30th.
Eligibility, Application and Deadline
How To Submit: Carefully read all of the instructions before registering & applying.
* Open to all practicing artists in the East Bay area of Northern California, both established and up and coming.
* Applications Require: artist website url or social media link, one high resolution photo of the artwork, contact information & short bio. (Bios will only appear on the website not in the book.)
* Artwork submission photo must be print ready. All photographs of artwork must be submitted as jpegs with a minimum of 2400 pixels wide through the official online application by July 30th, 2021. Artwork should NOT include any text, frames, glass or anything else in the photo. All we want is a clear, hi-res, high quality image, of the artwork by itself. Only one image submission allowed. Pick your best work!
* Basic Guidelines: You only get to pick one entry for this submission, so make it count! This should be work you are most proud of, work that best represents you as an artist. A few of the categories for final selections are technical proficiency, creativity & originality. Read more at the bottom of this document about the selection process.
* Not sure what to submit? Ask friends and family to help you make the decision.
* Poor quality images, too blurry, low res, cut off, bad lighting or crooked will automatically be disqualified.
* Accepted artists are expected to promote the book and encouraged to participate in the official Zoom Book Launch which will be happening closer to September. Exact date TBA.
* The call open May 1st, 2021
* The deadline is July 30th, 2021.
Only applications sent through the website will be considered. Register at to apply. Read all of the instructions here before registering.
* Artists’ applications must be received by Midnight July 30th in Pacific Time Zone. Any questions, please email [email protected]
Take a look at who was in the book 2020
Jurors: ArtPush Board
Selection Process: There will be a simple scoring system used privately by each judge. Our goal is to demonstrate the wide variety and diversity of styles in the East Bay. There are a limited number of pages and not every entry will be accepted. If your work is not selected for this project it does not mean that your art is not good enough, it simply means that there is limited space.
More about the selection process:
Only works from artists living or working in the East Bay qualify for inclusion. Images submitted that are below resolution qualities necessary for printing are automatically eliminated. In order to make the judging process as fair and unbiased as possible an online scoring application was developed so that each judge can evaluate submissions in private.
The online scoring application is a system that lists each image by number without identifying the artist. ArtPush board members evaluate each work based on a scale of 1-5: Originality, Craftsmanship, Elements of Art, Composition, Unity & Variety, Medium & Texture, Use of Space, Presentation and Degree of Difficulty. Final selections are chosen for artworks that received the highest overall score.
We deeply appreciate everyone who submitted their artwork regardless of whether or not the work is featured in this publication