RSVP Next show… A Look Back 2016

‘Call For Art’ is now open

Gerardo Chow is curating Displacement at Studio 23 in December 

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To submit your artwork donation for Displacement please use the instructions on the general submission page then come back and follow these steps.

Artist’s must be present at the opening reception to participate in this show.  RSVP


  1. Email your submission to: gchowq at live dot com (sound it out)
  2. Make the subject line: Displacement Art Submission

All work must be gallery ready and follow the basic directions on the general submission page.

Submission Extended Deadline (aka emailed art submissins) : NOVEMBER 15th

About This Show: By Gerardo Chow

Hi friends, a while back I posted that I was interested in doing an art show about “Gentrification.”

Artists have always been used as a stepping stone in converting low income neighborhoods into hip and happening places where money can be invested. Only then does the City care enough to start cleaning it up so folks with money can begin to move into remodeled residential buildings after old residents get evicted.

This show is an opportunity for all artist to do what we do best express our feelings and emotions about this growing virus that is affecting so many low income neighborhoods.

The show will take place at Studio 23 Gallery in Alameda thanks to my good friends Jessica and Wesley Warren.